
Support And Maintenance

This Support and Maintenance Agreement ('Agreement') is a supplemental document to the End-User License Agreement (EULA) for SwiftSales ('Software') between [Company Name] ('Licensor' or 'we') and the End User. This Agreement outlines the support and maintenance services provided by Licensor for the SwiftSales Software. By accessing or using the SwiftSales Software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1. Support Services

1.1 Scope of Support

Licensor will provide support services to assist you with technical issues, inquiries, and questions related to the use of the SwiftSales Software. The support services may cover topics such as software functionality, configuration, and troubleshooting.

1.2 Support Channels

Licensor will establish specific support channels through which you can reach out for assistance, such as email, online ticketing system, or phone support. The preferred support channel(s) and contact information are as follows:

  • Support Email: support@swiftsales.io
  • Live Chat on Website: www.swiftsales.io

1.3 Response Times

Licensor will define the severity of the issue based on the details provided and will provide an initial response to your support inquiries within the following time frames:

  • Severity 1 (Critical): 1 Business Day
  • Severity 2 (High): 2 Business Days
  • Severity 3 (Medium): 3 Business Days
  • Severity 4 (Low): 5 Business Days

1.4 Support Process

When you encounter an issue or have a support inquiry, follow the process below:

  1. Submit a support request through one of the designated support channels, providing the following information:
    • Detailed description of the issue or inquiry
    • Steps to reproduce the problem, if applicable
    • Any relevant error messages or screenshots
  2. Licensor's support team will review your request and assign it a severity level based on the impact and urgency of the issue.
  3. Licensor will work diligently to investigate and resolve the issue within the specified response times. Additional communication may be required to gather more information or provide updates on the progress.
  4. Once the issue is resolved or a satisfactory response is provided, Licensor will close the support request. If further assistance is needed, you may open a new support request.

2. Maintenance Services

2.1 Bug Fixes and Patches

Licensor will promptly address and provide bug fixes or patches for any reported software defects that affect the normal operation of the SwiftSales Software. To report a bug or request a patch, follow the process outlined below:

  1. Submit a bug report or patch request through one of the designated support channels, providing the following information:
    • Detailed description of the issue or defect.
    • Steps to reproduce the problem, if applicable.
    • Any relevant error messages or screenshots.
  2. Licensor's support team will review the bug report or patch request and acknowledge its receipt.
  3. Licensor will work to investigate and resolve the reported issue, including developing and testing a bug fix or patch.
  4. Once the bug fix or patch is available, Licensor will provide instructions for applying the fix or patch to your SwiftSales Software installation.

2.2 Software Updates and Upgrades

Licensor will periodically release software updates or upgrades to improve functionality, performance, or security of the SwiftSales Software. The process for software updates and upgrades is as follows:

  • Licensor will notify you of the availability of a new software update or upgrade through one or more of the designated support channels.
  • The notification will include details about the new features, improvements, or fixes included in the update or upgrade.
  • Licensor will provide instructions for downloading and installing the update or upgrade. It is your responsibility to ensure the compatibility of the update or upgrade with your existing environment.

2.3 Scheduled Maintenance

Licensor may perform scheduled maintenance activities to ensure the proper functioning and reliability of the SwiftSales Software. To minimize disruption, the following process will be followed:

  • Licensor will provide advance notice of scheduled maintenance activities through one or more of the designated support channels.
  • The notice will specify the date, time, and expected duration of the maintenance window.
  • Licensor will make reasonable efforts to schedule maintenance during non-peak usage periods to minimize impact on your operations.

3. Exclusions and Limitations

This Agreement outlines the general support and maintenance services provided by Licensor. However, certain exclusions or limitations may apply. These may include:

  • Situations where additional fees or separate agreements are required for certain support or maintenance services.
  • Support or maintenance requests resulting from unauthorized modifications to the SwiftSales Software or third-party integrations.
  • Support or maintenance requests beyond the scope of this Agreement.

4. Termination of Support and Maintenance

This Agreement will remain in effect unless terminated by either party. Licensor reserves the right to terminate or modify the support and maintenance services provided under this Agreement under certain circumstances, including:

  • Breach of the EULA or this Support and Maintenance Agreement.
  • Failure to pay applicable fees, if any, for extended support or custom maintenance services.
  • Non-compliance with Licensor's reasonable support and maintenance policies.

Licensor will provide reasonable notice of termination or modification of support and maintenance services.

Any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or anything else, we’ll be more than obliged to answer you promptly if you just send us an email at support@swiftsales.io